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quinta-feira, julho 05, 2007
Comida & Bebidas
Um estudo da ACNielsen sobre o comsumo de alimentos e bebidas nas diferentes categorias e nas diferentes regiões do globo. Deixo aqui alguns aperitivos..

Insights on Growth in Food & Beverage Products

Overall Findings: Global Growth Remains at 4%

The global growth of Food & Beverage categories measured was 4%. However, the growth rates variedsignificantly between regions and within categories. Based on our analysis there are several top-growingcategories that reinforce the key themes of Health, Convenience and Value.

Top Global Growth Categories

What is notable among the food and beverage categories with top sales growth is the number of healthyitems that dominate the list: yogurt, dairy, fish and salads. Six of these categories had global sales of overUS $1 billion and grew in double digits.

Drinkable Yogurt: +18% Growth

Yogurt-based drinks topped the list in terms of value growth, fueled by single-serving products andhealth trends toward pro-biotics. This “healthy” beverage was a strong performer, with double-digitgrowth in four of the five regions studied.

Fresh Fish and Seafood: +12% Growth

Second on the fastest-growing global categories list, Fish and Seafood showed strong growth. Incontrast to the 2004 study, which found Meat to be a fast grower, Fresh Fish is now growing faster.Consumers looking for protein in their diets are moving to perceived healthier options.

Alcoholic Cider: +11% Growth

Alcoholic Cider (fermented fruit juice) was the only alcoholic beverage on the fast-growing list, drivenmainly by increased sales in Europe. In contrast, the Mixed Alcoholic Beverage Drinks category wenton the decline overall.

Ready-to-Eat Salad: +10% Growth

Bagged salads combine the consumer themes of offering fresh items in a convenient manner. BothNorth America and Asia Pacific saw strong double-digit increases, and Europe, with a long historymarketing packaged greens, grew as well.

Baby Formula: +10% Growth

A sign of consumer market evolution, Baby Formula is growing quickly in many developing markets asconsumer income grows. As it becomes more culturally accepted to purchase these items, consumersin key markets are flocking to this convenient option.

Dairy-Based Drinks: +10% Growth

As with Drinkable Yogurt, Dairy-Based Drinks also made the list of fastest-growing categories. Newpackaging, brands, and flavors helped boost this category around the world.

Other Fast-Growing Categories

Three other categories were growing at double-digit rates, but were not as large in terms of overall categorysize. These categories were at least US $100 million but less than US $1 billion in size. We also saw atrend toward consumer interest in healthy eating and convenience:•

Fresh/Refrigerated Soup / Bouillon / Stock: +18% Growth
Fresh Herbs / Spices / Seasoning: +17% Growth
Frozen Meal Starters: +10% Growth

It is interesting to note that throughout this study, fresh items showed strong performance most everywhere,again signaling the desire of consumers to have the healthiest products available for their families.

Global Findings

Overall, Food & Beverages grew globally by 4% though mid-2006

Category and Segment Growth

Largest Absolute Growth

Category Growth by Region

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posted by Mikasmokas @ 7/05/2007  
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